Title: Universal Pictures

Author: Chris Price

In: Sport 23: Spring 1999

Publication details: Fergus Barrowman, November 1999

Part of: Sport

Keywords: Verse Literature

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Sport 23: Spring 1999

Chris Price — Universal Pictures

page 94

Chris Price

Universal Pictures

we but teach
Bloody instructions, which, being taught, return,
To plague the inventor; this even-handed justice
Commends the ingredients of our poison'd chalice
To our own lips.


Once upon a time in Amerika
our soothsayers kept

the criminal mind in a jar
the Viennese school hung out

its shingle in Manhattan
and we spent the century

developing a no-fault policy. Still
we loved the intentional fiend:

Karloff in his twelve-pound boots
and brace and padded suit

scars, big wrists and square head. Special
effects. The studio moguls didn't see their monster

coming, thought Karloff just the stuffing
for a pantomime horse. But we

recognised him. Twelve million
Depression greenbacks made him ours.

page 95

Hands deep in the guts of God's universe
Victor Frankenstein stitched up

a fatherless love-child—which then
usurped his name. The monster

branded himself on our hearts.
Since then, events have only deepened

our suspicions. We're dusting off the pitchforks
and burning torches. No earthly cause

for this inflammation
words cannot soothe.

A peasant learning
will not let us sleep.

Grit in the eye,
reasonable tears.