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Picturesque Dunedin: or Dunedin and its neighbourhood in 1890

Coach Builders, etc

Coach Builders, etc.

An exceedingly well represented industry in Dunedin is that of coach and carriage building. The show rooms of the various firms are a credit to the artistic taste of the proprietors. Every description of vehicle may be obtained, from the magnificent chariot to the humble but useful express, or from the four-horse page 249drag to the farmer's light cart or hay waggon. The show rooms are well worthy of a visit; the workmanship and brilliancy of finish being quite equal to anything to be met with in either the Old World or America.

The principal carriage builders are:—Mr. Mark Sinclair, Great King street; Messrs. Hordern, Brayshaw, and White, Princes street south; Mr. J. Mathews, Great King street; Messrs. Eobin and Co., Octagon; Messrs. J. and W. Stewart, Great King street; whilst considerable work in the heavy waggon and dray making is done by Mr. A. G. Watson, Princes street south.