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Picturesque Dunedin: or Dunedin and its neighbourhood in 1890

Statisticseor, Year. 1888

Statisticseor, Year. 1888.

The Colonial Education Act, 1887, divided Otago into the two separate education districts of Otago and Southland. The following tables supply information respecting the public schools of the Otago Provincial District for the year 1888, under the page 152following classification:—(1) Schools within the city of Dunedin; (2) schools in the suburbs of Dunedin; (3) schools in the remaining portions of the Otago education district; and (4) schools in the Southland education district.

Dunedin City Schools, 1888.
Schools. Teacher Pupil Teacher Attendance.
Average Daily for Year. At Close of the Year.
Arthur-street 7 8 622 663
Union-street 7 8 594 672
High-street 7 7 635 679
Albany-street 7 8 657 759
Normal School 7 8 635 684
George-street 9 9 783 858
Totals 44 48 3926 4315

Dunedin-Subueban Schoois, 1888.

Schools. Teacher Pupil Teacneis Average Daily for Year. At Close of the Year.
N. E. Valley 5 5 418 506
Anderson's Bay 2 1 108 123
Caversham 7 8 623 660
Mornington 6 6 511 566
Kaikorai 6 5 480 587
Ravensbourne 3 2 200 229
Kensington, 5 4 363 413
Forbury 5 4 378 448
Macandre-w Road 6 7 591 672
Suburban Totals 45 42 3672 4204
page 153
Schools in Otago Peovtnciai, District, 1888.
Districts. Teachers Pupil Teachei's Attendance.
Average Daily for Year. At Close of the Year.
Dunedin City 44 48 3926 4315
Dnnedin Suburbs 45 42 3672 4204
Outside the above 264 58 11,345 13,904
Otacro Total 353 148 18,943 22,423
Southland Total 131 44 6083 7959
Provincial District Total 484 192 25,026 30,382