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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

The Vanduara

The Vanduara.

77 Days to Auckland.

Still another ship ran the Loch Awe very closely for the record. The ship Vanduara, 2012 tons, Captain Carrance, left Deal on the 15th October, 1885. She passed Madeira on the seventh day out. Then for several days southerly winds and calms prevailed, during which very little progress was made, the Equator
The Vanduara.

The Vanduara.

not being crossed until the 24th day out in longitude 29 degrees west. The south-east trades were taken from off the Equator, but though they proved steady were only moderate in force. The meridian of the Cape was passed on the forty-fourth day out in 43 degrees south, thence fine strong westerly winds carried the ship 100 degrees east, when, owing to strong easterly gales with rain, five days were lost. Tasmania was rounded on the sixty-sixth day out with westerly winds, which continued the two following days. After 24 hours' calm strong northerly winds set in, carrying the Vanduara close to Cape Farewell on Christmas Day. On the 27th December, at 10 a.m., sighted Cape Maria van Dieman, and passed the North Cape at 1 p.m. the same day, 73 days out. Thence down the coast experienced light baffling winds, arriving at Auckland on December 30—after a splendid run of 77 days.