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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Washed Overboard

Washed Overboard.

Captain Bowling had a rather tedious and anxious time during the passage home in 1901 (the year of King Edward's coronation). The ship experienced very light northerly winds after leaving the coast, and took 53 days to Cape Horn, where she struck a furious gale, during which she broached to, and heavy seas broke on board, doing great damage.

When off Birdwood Bank, in the vicinity of the Falkland Islands, the ship experienced another heavy gale, during which the second officer was washed overboard and drowned. On this occasion the ship had been 130 days out when she reached the Channel. Fears were entertained that she had been lost, and she was reinsured at high rates.