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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Huge 'Bergs

Huge 'Bergs.

"In grinding the ship through these, great difficulty was experienced. Very large bergs were also interspersed and visible all round. This day we cleared it again about noon. Icebergs were still, however, seen both near and in the distance. Their appearance was most grand. The largest, about two miles in circumference and 100 feet high, was passed about four or five miles distant on our starboard and lee side. We hove-to again at night.

"Next day was for the most part a dead calm. We were carried back with the current. Icebergs were still visible. The following day we passed many more which were the last seen. One of these was really grand, being about 200 feet high. We cleared it about a mile distant. The weather during this period was clear and fine."