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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900


the Canterbury, a beautiful clipper ship of 1242 tons, built in 1874 for Patrick Henderson by Robert Duncan, sailed the seas for many years, and during the 'seventies and 'eighties brought thousands of immigrants to New Zealand. She was one of the fastest sailers and most comfortable ships afloat,
The Clipper Canterbury.

The Clipper Canterbury.

and made some remarkable runs both out and Home. In 1881 she ran from Glasgow to Port Chalmers in 76 days port to port. Most of the voyages were made after Patrick Henderson amalgamated with the Shaw, Savill Co. the Canterbury was exceptionally fortunate in avoiding the heavy gales usually met with in the Southern Ocean. She made twenty-two voyages out, and it was only on the last two passages that she suffered any serious damage.