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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Other Narrow Escapes

Other Narrow Escapes.

Some years before the Lutterworth was dismasted she had a narrow escape of coming to grief at the entrance to Nelson. On this occasion, after the vessel stranded, fine weather prevailed, and she was successfully towed off by the steamers Charles Edward and Tasman without sustaining any serious damage.

On another occasion, when the Lutterworth was bound out to Auckland, in 1875, a rather alarming incident occurred. When in the Southern Ocean, on June 20, the ship was making twelve knots, an alarm of fire was raised, and as it was known the ship was carrying 40 tons of gunpowder, there was considerable excitement and alarm among the passengers. Smokepage 114 was first observed filling the cabin. It was very evident that the fire was under the biscuit locker, close to the saloon fireplace. It was soon revealed that the woodwork was on fire behind the stove, directly under the cabin stairs. Energetic efforts were at once brought to bear upon the extinction of the fire. The stove was torn out, and Mr. Eadington, the chief officer, made a vigorous attack upon the burning partition with an axe, and also with water passed down from above. Fortunately, in about fifteen minutes, all danger was past, and everyone uttered thanks for their narrow escape.