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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

A Battle Foe Life

A Battle Foe Life.

Suddenly the despair of the onlookers was changed to admiration, as Captain Mills, followed by the other boat, steered into the boiling surf to the rescue of the drowning men. The whale boat reached them, but just at the critical moment the rescuers shared the fate of those they had gone to succour, and two capsized boats and their crews were tossing helplessly in the waves. But the third boat held steadily on. An instant later the seas broke over her, and she too capsized, leaving 30 or 40 men battling for life within hail of land. And what rendered the scene more shocking was that the day was unusually calm and sunny, while the sea was terrific. Several brave fellows ashore, unable to endure the sight, rushed for the lifeboat, which was quickly launched, but she had not covered half the distance when she, too, capsized. She was righted and the half-drowned crew regained their places, to be once more completely turned over, the boat floating bottom upwards.