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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Stormy Passage to Auckland

Stormy Passage to Auckland.

On the 25th September, 1891, the Himalaya, under the command of Captain Hill arrived at Auckland after a stormy and trying passage of 126 days. The ship sailed from London on the 20th May, and had a fair run for the next ten days, when she struck a severe adverse gale which continued for 48 hours, and on June 2nd and 3rd she fell in with another violent gale, which did considerable damage. But worse was to follow, as on August 5th the ship was hove to for 48 hours during a terrific three days gale, with heavy seas breaking over the ship. On the 24th of the same month still another heavy gale, with mountainous seas, was encountered, which continued for 24 hours. Bad weather still followed the ship, and three days later, on August 27th, all on board had an anxious time. Captain Hill was compelled to heave the ship to for three days, during the most severe gale ever encountered by him. Tremendous seas broke on board, and carried away the bulwarks and everything movable on deck. Heavy seas broke over the poop, and rushed down the cabin, doing great damage.