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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Broken Limbs

Broken Limbs.

"At 8.30 p.m. on the 26th a terrific sea shipped over the stern of the vessel carried everything before it, smashing the wheel to atoms, washing the two men from the wheel, one on to the main deck and breaking two of his ribs. The other man had his arm dislocated. At the time of the sea breaking on board the captain rushed to the wheel, but he was washed to the front of the poop and had both his legs severely injured.

"The second mate who was also on the poop, was washed on to the main deck, and was severely cut about the chest. The poop skylight and hurricane house were carried away, and the saloon filled with water. The binnacle, compass and time-piece were also lost. All the poop-rails were smashed. Four beats were carried from their fastenings and smashed to atoms. Hen-coops, pigs, sheep, etc., were also washed overboard. The same sea smashed in the front of the fore-cabin and the main deck-house.

"Two spars and an iron yardarm were also carried away. The port mizzen and starboard main-chains were started, and the main deck was very much damaged. Nearly all the bulwarks were carried away. Owing to the quantity of loose stuff knocking about the deck, the fastenings of the hatches were loosened and the tarpaulins carried off, large quantities of water getting below. When the wheel was carried away, the vessel was brought up to the wind, and all sails were let fly, for the safety of the ship and all on board.