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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Wellington Provincial District]

The Ballance Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited

The Ballance Co-operative Dairy Company, Limited. Directors: Messrs. J. B. Tait (chairman), A. Cooper (secretary), J. T. Marriott, John Sinclair, H. McLeod, T. F. Reeve, Williamson, J. B. Eaton, F. Groves, and A. Eddie. Manager, Mr. T. J. Broome. The Ballance Dairy Factory has the name of being one of the best, if not the best, in the Colony. It was erected and provided by the page 1052 New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company on a very liberal scale. The present manager, Mr. Broome, was employed from the first by the Company, and the factory was built and furnished under his special supervision. The Company was formed for the purpose of purchasing the property from the original owners, and the manager was transferred with the factory. This was about two years ago, and both factory and manager have given complete satisfaction to all concerned. The friends of the Ballance Factory claim that its produce is certainly not excelled, if equalled, by that of any other factory in the Colony. The shares are held by the dairy farmers as nearly as is convenient in proportion to the milk they can deliver at the factory, and they are paid in proportion to the quantity and quality of milk supplied. The measure of the quantity is, of course, taken at each delivery; and a small fixed proportion of each supplier's milk is set aside in a sample bottle bearing that supplier's number, mixed with five grains of bichromate potassium to keep the milk sweet for the week. A the end of each week a small proportion is taken out of the sample bottle, to which is added a similar proportion of sulphuric acid, and the result is ascertained by the aid of the Babcock tester. Every month the weekly percentages of each supplier are averaged, and the result multiplied by the quantity delivered. The output of the factory is about ten tons per month for the season, which lasts from eight to nine months. Roughly speaking, therefore, a hundred tons of prime butter is turned out of the Ballance Factory every year, all made up into pound pats with the aid of the Eureka Butter Print, introduced into this Colony by Messrs. Finn, Rigg and Co., now known as Messrs. Finn, Chisholm and Co., of Wellington. The machinery of the Ballance
Ballance Dairy Factory.

Ballance Dairy Factory.

page 1053 Factory is all of the latest and best approved kinds, and so well is the place managed that no repairs whatever have been required; and the whole cost of working the freezer, for glycerine and other items, has not yet reached the sum of £5.