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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Wellington Provincial District]

Ranson and Son

Ranson and Son (James Ranson, senior, and James Rauson, junior), Storekeepers, Waituna. Bankers, Bank of New Zealand, Feilding. Telegraphic address, “Ranson, Waituna.” The store is a large and well-appointed two-story building, with dwelling-house containing eight rooms attached at the back. In addition to the store is the bakery, which turns out a large quantity of loaves per week, and supplies the settlers with their “daily bread” for many miles around. The shop contains all classes of goods, and many a well-appointed business place in a city could not show a more complete or better selected stock. Mr. Ranson, junior, who page 1260
Mr. J. Ranson, Junr.

Mr. J. Ranson, Junr.

manages the business, spares neither trouble nor expense to supply the wants of his numerous customers. A great portion of his stock is imported from Sydney, and the remainder from Wellington. The present business has been established for four years. The firm are agents for the following:—Royal Exchange Assurance Society, the Loan and Mercantile, and Wanganui Sash and Door Factory. Born at Sandhurst, Victoria, in 1871, and educated at Wellington and latterly at the Young Men's Academy, St. Helier's, Jersey, the junior partner came to New Zealand in 1889 and established the present business, in which his father, who is a retired contractor and who is now farming at Bunnythorpe, is associated. Mr. Ranson, junior, married a daughter of Mr. Shewbridge, a well-known Wellington settler, and has one son. He is postmaster, and has a most complete office attached to the store, wherein the ordinary business of post and telegraph office is carried on by his staff. A large number of hands is employed in this thriving business, the firm being well known and popular.