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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Wellington Provincial District]

Mr. Henry Baigent

Mr. Henry Baigent, Chief Steward of the s.s. “Tongariro,” was for twenty-four years in the Peninsular and Oriental Company's service. Born in Farnham, Surrey, in 1856, Mr. Baigent went to sea at the age of fourteen, becoming chief steward of such vessels as the s.s. “Pekin,” “Rosetta,” “Ganges,” and “Tasmania,” the last-named being lost in 1887. Mr. Baigent joined the New Zealand Shipping Company's s.s. “Rimutaka” in 1894 as chief steward, and after two voyages was transferred to the s.s. “Tongariro.” As a member of the masonic brotherhood, Mr. Baigent belongs to the Emulation Lodge of Bombay.