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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Alfred Cox

Mr. Alfred Cox, J.P., who was a Memof the House of Representatives for Heathcote during 1863–65, and for Timaru during 1866–68, was born in New South Wales in 1825. He is a son of Mr. William Cox, an officer of the 102nd Regt., which landed at Botany Bay about 1788. Mr. Cox, senr., left the service and became a settler in New South Wales, and was a prominent man to the time of his death in 1837. The subject of this notice visited England in 1844, and again in 1855. He secured two grazing runs at Timaru in 1854, and settled in that district three years later, and resided there till 1882, with the exception of some seven or eight years in the Walkato, Auckland, where he was interested in a very large block of swamp land and on which he expended large sums of money in drainage. Mr. Cox came to Christchurch in 1882 and has since resided at St. Albans. He unsuccessfully contested the Geraldine seat in 1884. Mr. Cox has published a volume of 272 pages entitled “Recollections,” which contains a great deal of interesting Information as to his career in England, Australia, and New Zealand, together with references to many of the public men of the Colony. He also edited “Men of Mark of New Zealand,” a work which was published some years later in Christchurch. Mr. Cox was married in November, 1849, to a daughter of the late Lieut.-Col. Macpherson, 99th Regt. of Foot, and has two sons and nine daughters.

Mr. A. Cox.

Mr. A. Cox.