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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

Mr. George Hunter

Mr. George Hunter , who has held a seat on the Wyndham Town Board since 1902, is well known as auctioneer and manager of the live stock department of the firm of I. W. Raymond and Co., in which he is a partner. Mr Hunter was born in 1870 at South Wyndham, where he was educated and brought up to country life, which he followed for ten years, during which he was for some time in charge of his father's property. In 1898, he entered the employment of Messrs Raymond and Co., and became a member of the firm in 1903. Mr Hunter has served on the South Wyndham school committee, was president for the year 1901–2 of the Wyndham Agricultural and Pastoral Society, is a Past Grand of Alma Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfellows, Manchester Unity, and a member of the Mokoreta Lodge of Freemasons. He was married, in 1900, to a daughter of Mr F. Gillanders, of Pourakanui, near Waitati, and has one son.