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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Otago & Southland Provincial Districts]

The Rev. David K. Fisher

The Rev. David K. Fisher , who is in charge of the Presbyterian church at Arrowtown, was born in Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1861. He was educated at Montrose and Edinburgh, and studied at the Edinburgh University, and the Congregational Theological Hall. In 1886, he was licensed to preach and was ordained to the Congregational ministry, in the Shetland Isles, where he was stationed for six years. Mr Fisher arrived at Port Chalmers in 1891, by the s.s. “Arawa,” and was for six years Congregational minister at that place. He, however, joined the Presbyterian ministry in Dunedin in 1897, and laboured in missionary work at Riverton, Invercargill, and Colac Bay, prior to his induction at Arrow in 1901. Mr Fisher page 1033 has taken an interest in the volunteer movement, and was chaplain of the Colac Bay Rifles. He was married, in
Rev. D. K. Fisher.

Rev. D. K. Fisher.

1887, to Miss Smith, of Kincardineshire, Scotland, and has three sons and four daughters.