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Polynesian Researches


Arrival of the first ship after the Duff's departure—Assault upon the Missionaries—Its disastrous consequences—Pomare's revenge—Death of Oripaia—League against Pomare—Invasion of Matavai—Description and character of Haamanemane—His assassination—Murder of Mr. Lewis—Pomare's offering for the mission chapel—Arrival of a king's ship—Friendly communications from the governor of New South Wales—Government orders—Act of parliament for the protection of the South Sea Islanders—Arrival of the Royal Admiral—Landing of the Missionaries—Departure of Mr. Broomhall—Notice of his subsequent history.

On the 6th of March 1798, exactly twelve months from the day on which the Duff first anchored in Matavai bay, a vessel arrived at Tahiti; which, being the first they had seen since the departure of Captain Wilson, excited considerable interest. She was boarded by three of the Missionaries at the mouth of the harbour, and found to be the Nautilus from Macao, commanded by Captain Bishop, and originally bound to the north-west coast of America for furs. Being driven by a heavy gale to Kamtschatka, and unable to pursue her intended voyage, she had altered her course for Massuefero, near the South American coast, but had been compelled by stress of weather to steer for Tahiti. The ship was in great distress, the crew in want of most of the necessaries of life, and the captain had nothing to barter with the natives for supplies, but muskets and powder. page 24 These indeed were formerly the only articles of trade, with the exception of ardent spirits, that many adventurers ever thought of giving to uncivilized nations, in exchange for the produce of their countries! The natives crowded the ship; and Pomare, who was on board, beheld with expressions of contempt the poverty of the vessel, and the distress of her crew. In the minds of the Missionaries their circumstances awakened compassion, and they readily offered to furnish the captain, so far as their means admitted, with such supplies as the island afforded, and to assist him in procuring water.

The Nautilus had touched at the Sandwich Islands, and had brought away some of the natives: while the vessel remained, five of these absconded; one was brought back, but escaped again. The vessel remained five days at Tahiti, procured such supplies as the crew were most in need of, and ultimately sailed, leaving the five Sandwich Islanders on shore.

Exactly a fortnight after her departure, this vessel again entered Matavai Bay, much to the surprise of the Missionaries, who were informed by the captain and supercargo, that, in consequence of a severe gale off Huahine, she was unfitted for her voyage to Massuefero, and that they intended to proceed to Port Jackson, when they had increased their supplies. In the course of the night, two seamen absconded with the ship's boat; and the next morning the captain and supercargo addressed a letter to the Missionaries, acquainting them with the desertion of the men; and their determination, in consequence of their deficiency of hands, to recover them, cost what it would; soliciting, at the same time, aid in effecting their page 25 apprehension. The Missionaries recovered the boat on the following day; and, anxious to afford the captain and supercargo of the Nautilus every assistance in their power, agreed to use their influence with the king, and two of the principal chiefs, to induce them to send the seamen on board. Four of the Missionaries went on this errand to the district of Pare, where the king and chiefs were residing. After walking between two and three hours, they reached the residence of Otu, the young king. The Sandwich Islanders were among his attendants, and they had reason to suspect that he had favoured the concealment of the seamen.

Desirous of disclosing their business to the chiefs when together, they remained near the residence of Otu some time, expecting the arrival of Pomare, for whom they had sent. The king was sullen and taciturn; and, after remaining nearly half an hour expecting Pomare, the Missionaries departed, to wait on him personally, at his own dwelling.

As they passed along, the natives tendered their usual salutations, and about thirty accompained them. They had, however, scarcely proceeded a mile on their way, when, on approaching the margin of a river, they were each suddenly seized by a number of natives, who stripped them, dragged two of them through the river, attempted to drown them, and, after other ill-treatment, threatened them with murder. After recovering from the struggle, they were in a most pitiable state, deprived of their clothing, and some of them severely bruised. Several of the natives now came forward, and expressed their pity for the Missionaries, gave them a few strips of cloth, and, at their request, page 26 conducted them to Pomare and Idia, whose tent was at some distance. These individuals beheld them with great concern; and, expressing no ordinary sympathy in their distress, immediately furnished them with native apparel and refreshment; and, when they had rested about an hour, accompanied them on their return to Matavai.—When they reached Otu's dwelling, Pomare called the king, his son, into the outer court, and questioned him as to the treatment the Missionaries had received. He said but little; yet there was reason to suppose, that if the assault had not been made by his direction, he was privy to it. Bent on the conquest of the whole island, and desirous, in conjunction with those attached to his interests, of depriving his father and younger brother of all authority in Tahiti, muskets and powder were articles in greatest demand, and the aid of Europeans was most earnestly desired. The Missionaries, by furnishing supplies to the vessel, had prevented his obtaining the former; and in order to be revenged on them for this act of friendship to those on board, he had allowed some of his men to follow and to plunder them. They had not communicated to him their business, but their having applied for the return of the Sandwich Islanders, who had before absconded from the vessel, led him to suspect their business on the present occasion. The seamen, who had deserted from the Nautilus, were under the protection of the king, and appeared among his attendants. The Missionaries did not disclose the object of their visit; but Pomare insisted on the deserters being delivered up, assuring them they should be carried on board the next day. The seamen expressed their determination to remain; and one of page 27 them said, “If they take me on board again, they shall take me on board dead.” The conduct of Pomare, the king's father, with that of his queen, Idia, was highly commendable; several of the articles of dress, which had been taken from the Missionaries, were restored, and the people in general appeared to compassionate them; though two of them heard the natives, who were stripping them, remark, that, as they had four of them in their possession, they would go and take the fourteen remaining at Matavai. In the evening the Missionaries arrived at their dwelling, having been furnished by Pomare with a double canoe, for their conveyance.

The impression this unpleasant occurrence produced upon the society at Matavai, was such, that eleven Missionaries, including four who were married, judged a removal from the island to be necessary; and as the captain and supercargo of the Nautilus offered a passage to any who were desirous of returning to Port Jackson, they prepared for their departure. Two days after the plunder of the Missionaries, Pomare, anxious to remove all apprehension from their mind, sent the chief priest of the island with a fowl as an atonement, and a young plantain as a peace-offering, and on the following day hastened to their dwelling.

The report of the departure of the Missionaries soon spread through the island, and appeared to be regretted by many of the people. Pomare, who had ever been most friendly, manifested unusual sorrow, and used extraordinary efforts to persuade them to stay. He went through every room in their house, and every birth on board, and addressed each individual by name, with earnest entreaties to remain, and assurances of protection. page 28 Noti, eiaha e haere, Mr. Nott, don't go, was his language to that individual; and such was also used to others. His evident satisfaction was proportionate, when he perceived that Mr. and Mrs. Eyre, and five of the single Missionaries, resolved to continue in Tahiti.

On the 29th of March, those Missionaries who intended to leave, bade their companions farewell; and, during the night of the 30th, sailed from Matavai, and proceeded to New South Wales. It is worthy of remark, that this event, so destructive to the strength of the mission, crippling the efforts of its members, and spreading a cloud over their future prospects, resulted not from opposition to the efforts of the Missionaries, nor from any dispute between them and the priests or people, on subjects connected with the idolatry of the latter, but from their benevolent endeavours to serve those, whom purposes of commerce had brought to their shores, and whom adverse weather had reduced to circumstances of distress—a class of individuals whom the Missionaries, in those seas, have ever been ready to succour, but who, with some gratifying exceptions, have not always honourably requited that kindness, to which, in some instances, they have owed their own preservation.

The decision of those who left Tahiti, may to some, perhaps, appear premature, but it is not easy to form a correct estimate of the dangers to which they were exposed. They were well aware of many; but there were others, actually existing, of which they were then unconscious. Otu, called Pomare since his father's death, has often, during the latter years of his life, told Mr. Nott, that after the departure of the Duff, frequently, when he has been carried on men's shoulders round the page 29 residence of the Missionaries, Peter the Swede, who has been with him, has said, when the Missionaries were kneeling down in prayer, at their morning or evening family worship, “See they are all down on their knees, quite defenceless; how easily your people might rush upon them, and kill them all, and then their property would be yours.” And it is a melancholy fact, that the influence of unprincipled and profligate foreigners has been more fatal to the Missionaries, more demoralizing to the natives, more inimical to the introduction of Christianity, and more opposed to its establishment, than all the prejudices of the people in favour of idolatry, and all the attachment of the priests to the interests of their gods.

However much those who remained might have been affected by the departure of so many of their companions, they felt no disposition to abandon the field, or relax their endeavours for the benefit of the people. Pomare had not only sent an atonement and a peace-offering, but, even before the Missionaries sailed, had made war upon the district, and had killed two of the men who had been engaged in assaulting them. This was, indeed, a matter of regret to the Missionaries; but it was also an evidence of his displeasure at the treatment they had received. On his assurances of protection, those who remained reposed the most entire confidence; which, during his subsequent life, his conduct uniformly warranted. Committing their persons to the merciful and watchful providence of God, and, under him, to the friendly chiefs who had manifested so much concern for their safety; they had sent all the fire-arms, ammunition, and other weapons, possessed by the Society, on board the Nautilus, excepting two muskets, which they page 30 presented to Pomare and Idia. To the former they gave up their public stores, and all the property they possessed, together with the smith's shop, and the tools. They also offered Pomare their private property, but he refused to take it; informing them, that so long as they remained, every thing in the store-room should be at their command; but that, in the event of their leaving the island, he should consider whatever remained as his own. On a subsequent occasion, when he feared, that on account of a destructive war then prevailing, they might leave, he directed them to take their property with them; hereby evincing the most disinterested friendship, and a desire to alleviate, rather than profit by, their distresses. Their situation was critical, but in a letter which they forwarded on this occasion to the Society, they express firm confidence in God, unabated attachment to their work, and contentment with such means of support as the country afforded.

Not long after the departure of the Nautilus, it was reported, that in order to avenge the death of the two men he had killed, the people of Pare had declared war against Pomare. He applied to the Missionaries for assistance, and, entering the room in which they were assembled, inquired how many of them knew how to make war. Mr. Nott replied, “We know nothing of war.” Pomare withdrew, and they afterwards agreed not to resort to the use of arms, either for offence or defence. Their determination was made known to their friends; and, as no dissatisfaction appeared, they were led to hope that they should be permitted peaceably to prosecute their labours, without any further solicitation on the subject. A native who had assisted in the smith's shop was enabled, after page 31 the departure of the Missionaries, who had used the forge, to make fish-hooks, adzes, and a number of useful iron articles; but the skill he had acquired, instead of being employed to promote the industry, civilization, and comfort of his countrymen, was soon applied to purposes of barbarity and murder; and the Missionaries beheld with regret that he was often employed, not in manufactureing useful tools, but weapons for battle.

Pomare subsequently made war upon the inhabitants of Pare, where the Europeans had been plundered: the people were defeated, fourteen of them killed, and forty or fifty of their houses burnt.

Five months after the departure of the Missionaries in the Nautilus, two large vessels were seen standing towards Matavai bay. As soon as they hoisted English colours, the natives were thrown into the greatest consternation, and, packing up whatever they could carry away, abandoned their houses, and were seen in every direction flying towards the mountains. Being asked their reasons for such a proceeding, they answered, that seeing two large English ships, they apprehended they were come to revenge the assault upon the Missionaries. After many assurances to the contary, their fears seemed to be removed. When the Captains came on shore in the evening, they were welcomed by the Missionaries, and introduced to the chiefs, whose familiarity and cheerfulness soon evinced that every feeling of suspicion had subsided. These vessels were the Cornwall and the Sally of London, South Sea whalers. As the ships were in repair, and the crews in health, they remained only three days in the harbour, and sailed from the island on the 27th of August; page 32 having made a number of presents to the chiefs, they did not leave any of their crews on shore, which was a matter of great satisfaction to the Missionaries, who had beheld with regret the baneful influence of unprincipled seamen, on the minds and habits of the people.

From one of these ships, Oripaia, a chief of Papara, and a rival of Pomare, had received a large quantity of gunpowder as a present. The powder being coarser in the grain than what the natives had been accustomed to receive, they imagined either that it was not powder, or that it was a very inferior kind. In order to satisfy themselves, Oripaia proposed to one of his attendants to try it. A pistol was loaded, and fired over the whole heap of powder they had received, and around which the chief and his attendants were sitting. A spark fell from the pistol, and the whole of the powder instantly exploded. As soon as the natives had recovered from the shock, perceiving the powder adhering to their limbs, they attempted to rub it off, but found the skin peel off with it; they then plunged into an adjacent river. Six of the natives were severely injured, and Oripaia with one of his attendants died. As soon as Pomare was acquainted with the accident, he begged Mr. Broomhall to visit the house in which the accident had occurred, and endeavour to relieve the sufferers. The chief appeared in a most affecting state, dreadfully scorched with the powder; Mr. Broomhall employed such applications as he supposed likely to alleviate his sufferings; these, however, increased, and both the chief and his wife attributed his pains, not to the effects of the explosion, but to the remedies applied, or rather to the posion imagined to be infused into the application by the page 33 god of the foreigners. This not only aroused the jealousy of the chief, and the rage of Otu, but having nearly cost Mr. Broomhall and his companions their lives, it made the Missionaries extremely cautious in administering medicine to any of the chiefs. Native remedies were now applied, to relieve the sufferings of Oripaia, but they were unavailing, and, after languishing for some time in the greatest agony, he expired. The body of the deceased chief was embalmed by a process peculiar to the inhabitants of the South Sea Islands, and already described. It was placed on a kind of platform; and a number of superstitious ceremonies were observed. During the performance of these rites, Pomare's orator, and some of the inhabitants of Matavai, used insulting expressions in reference to the corpse; which so incensed Otu, that, aided by the chief priest, he immediately made war upon the district of Matavai. Late in the evening, the Missionaries and people had some intimation of his intention: before daylight the next morning, the attack was commenced at one end of the district; the inhabitants fled before the assailants; and by sunrise, the warriors of Otu had scoured the district from one end to the other, driving before them every inhabitant, excepting a few in the immediate vicinity of the Missionary dwellings. Several warriors, with clubs and spears, surrounded the Missionary house, but its inmates remained unmolested; and in the course of the day, Haamanemane arrived, and assured the Mission family no evil was designed against them. In the evening they were also visited in an amicable manner by Otu and his queen.

In connexion with this attack upon the district of Matavai, which belonged to Pomare, Otu and page 34 Haamanemane declared that Pomare was deprived of all authority in the larger peninsula. The districts on the west and south side declared for Otu, and those on the western were threatened with invasion in the event of refusal. In the division of the territory thus seized, the chief priest received the eastern part of Matavai; but he did not logn enjoy it; he was murdered, at the instance of Pomare, very shortly afterwards.

Haamanemane, the old priest, having been Captain Wilson's taio, or friend, was frequently with the Missionaries, and uniformly kind to them. He was evidently a shrewd and enterprising man; yet I should think sometimes rather eccentric. When arrayed in a favourite dress, which was a glazed hat, and a black coat fringed round the edges with red feathers, his appearance must have been somewhat ludicrous, although this was probably his sacerdotal habit, as red feathers were always considered emblematical of their deities. He had formerly been a principal chief in Raiatea, and still possessed great influence over the natives, especially in the adjacent island of Eimeo, where, with a little assistance from the European workmen, he had built a schooner, in which he came over to see his friend Captain Wilson, during the second visit of the Duff to Tahiti. This vessel, considering it as their first effort at ship-building, was an astonishing performance. To him, the Missionaries had frequent opportunities of speaking, though apparently with but little good effect, against many of the sanguinary features of their idolatry, especially the offering of human sacrifices, in which they knew he had been more than once engaged since their arrival. Sometimes, however, page 35 he spoke as if he officiated, in these horrid rites, more from necessity than choice.

He was remarkably active and vigorous, and, though far advanced in years and nearly blind, indulged, without restraint, in all the degrading vices of his country. Moral character, and virtuous conduct, were never considered requisite, even in those whose office was most sacred. As a priest, he practised every species of extortion and cruelty; neither was he less familiar with intrigue, nor free from ambition, as a politician. His supposed influence with the gods, his deep skill in the mysteries of their worship, and the constant dread of his displeasure, which would probably have doomed the individual, by whom it was incurred, to immolation on the altar of his idol, favoured, in no small degree, his assumption and exercise of civil power, both in Eimeo and Tahiti. A jealousy appeared to exist between him and Pomare, the father of Otu, who was king of the Island; and during the absence of the former, on a visit to a neighbouring island, availing himself of the offence Pomare's orator and people had given to Otu, he formed a league with the young king, to deprive Pomare of all authority in Tahiti. Having offered a human victim to his idol, he invaded the district of the absent chieftain, and brought war to the very doors of the Mission-house, in less than seventeen months after the departure of the Duff. The attack, as already stated, was made at daybreak, in the western border of Matavai: four individuals were killed, and afterwards offered by the priest to his deity. The inhabitants, unable to withstand the young king and his ally, abandoned their plantations and their dwellings, and fled for their lives. The invaders page 36 divided the district, and the priest, taking possession of the eastern side, revelled in all the profligacy and insolence of plunder and destruction. His triumph, however, was but short. Pomare sent privately to Idia directions for his assassination. After two or three solicitations from his mother, Otu, the young king, though in closest alliance with him, consented to his death, and he was murdered by one of Idia's men, at the foot of One-tree Hill, as he was on his way to Pare, on the 3d of December 1798, ten days after the invasion of Matavai.

This event gave a new aspect to political affairs in the island, and appeared to unite in one interest Otu and Pomare his father. The inhabitants of Matavai left their places of retreat, and, having presented their peace-offering, re-occupied their lands. The Missionaries resumed their attempts to instruct the natives, but found the acquisition of the language so difficult, and the insensibility of the people so great, that they were exceedingly discouraged. Some of the natives, however, were led to inquire how it was that Cook, Vancouver, Bligh, and other early visitors, had never told them any of those things which they heard from the teachers now residing with them.

Towards the close of the year 1799, the Missionaries were called to the melancholy duty of conveying to the silent grave, under very distressing circumstances, Mr. Lewis, one of their number, and the first Missionary who had terminated his life on the shores of Tahiti. He landed from the ship Duff in 1797, continued to labour with his companions, respected and useful, until about three months after the departure of the Nautilus page 37 to Port Jackson, when he left the Mission-house, and took up his residence with a taio, or friend, in the eastern part of the district. Three weeks afterwards, he intimated to his companions his intention of uniting in marriage with a native of the island, solemnly purposing to abide faithful towards her until death. Considering her an idolatress, the Missionaries deemed this an inconsistent and unlawful act, and not only declined to sanction the proceeding, but endeavoured by every means to dissuade him from it; but Mr. Lewis, persevering in his determination, they dissolved the connexion that had subsisted between him and themselves, as members of a Christian church or society, and discontinued all religious and social intercourse with him. He was still constant in attendance on public worship, industrious in the culture of his garden, and in working for the king and principal chiefs, who were evidently much attached to him. On the 23d of November, the Missionaries heard that he had died on the preceding evening. They hastened to his house, and found the corpse lying on a bed; the forehead and face considerably disfigured with wounds, apparently inflicted with a stone and a sharp instrument. The female with whom he had lived as his wife, informed them that he went out of the house on the preceding evening, and that hearing a noise shortly afterwards, she hastened to the spot whence it proceeded, and saw him on the pavement in front of the house, beating his head against the stones. On looking at that part of the pavement where he had fallen, one or two of the stones were stained with blood. Some of the natives said that he had acted as if insane; others, that the evil spirit had entered into him; but, from several expressions that were page 38 used, there was reason to apprehend he had been murdered.

Assisted by two or three natives, Mr. Bicknell and Mr. Nott dug a grave in a spot near their dwelling on the north side of Matavai bay, which had been selected as a place of interment. On the evening of the 29th of November, 1799, Mr. Nott, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Eyre, and Mr. Bicknell, bore his remains to the grave, where Mr. Harris read the xcth Psalm, and offered up an appropriate prayer to Almighty God. The circumstances of his death were truly affecting, and the feelings of the Missionaries such as it would be in vain to attempt to describe. They have since learned that he was murdered; and some of them have also regretted, that, after his separation, kindness and friendly intercourse were not continued, which might perhaps, without compromise of character, have been consistently maintained. Pomare, considering himself the protector of the Missionaries, though he did not appear to think he had been murdered, yet proposed, if it appeared to the survivors that such had been the fact, to destroy the inhabitants of the district; and so much did many of the latter fear such an event, that they fled to the mountains. The Missionaries, considering that in such retaliation the innocent would suffer with the guilty, interposed, and prevailed upon the king to spare the district, but to punish the guilty whenever they might be discovered.

Scarcely were the remains of Mr. Lewis consigned to the silent grave, when an event occurred, which again reduced the number of this already weakened band. The Betsy of London, a letter of marque, arrived with a Spanish brig her prize, page 39 with which she was proceeding from South America to Port Jackson. The commander of the Betsy having intimated his intention of returning in five or six months, Mr. Harris proposed to his companions to visit New South Wales; and on the 1st of January 1800, he sailed from Matavai bay, intending to return when the ship should revisit the islands. By this conveyance, the remaining Missionaries wrote an account of their circumstances and their prospects to the directors in London, stating, that although they had not acquired a sufficient knowledge of the language to enable them publicly to preach the gospel, they had observed, whenever they had conversed with the natives, that though they could perceive the difference between Christianity and paganism, their attachement to the abominations of the latter was too strong to be removed by any other influence than that of the Spirit of the Most High.

Anxious to avoid unnecessary expenditure of those funds which British benevolence furnished, they had on a former occasion written, to prevent the Society's incurring and further expense on their account, as their remaining on the island was uncertain; but now, as there was a prospect of peaceable continuance, and the liberal supply they had taken out in the Duff, being, by plunder, presents, &c. nearly expended, they found it necessary to solicit a few articles for their own use, and others for presents to the chiefs, whom they described as daily visiting their dwellings, and treating them with kindness.

Five days after the departure of the Betsy, the Missionaries had the satisfaction to welcome again to their Society, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; who returned from Port Jackson in the Eliza, a South page 40 Sea whaler. Mr. Henry was the only one of the number who had left, that resumed his labours in Tahiti. By him they also unexpectedly received the pleasing intelligence of the Duff's second destination to Tahiti, and were led to hope, on her arrival, a reinforcement of labourers, and the various supplies of which they stood so much in need. Having repaired the vessel and recruited his stores, the captain sailed from Tahiti on the 14th of January, leaving on the island three of his seamen, whose influence among the inhabitants in general was soon found to be most unfavourable.

Hitherto, the public worship of God had been performed in one of the apartments of the Mission-house, but as it appeared expedient to erect a place for this specific object, to which also the natives might have access for the purpose of religious instruction, a spot was selected near the grave of Mr. Lewis; and on the 5th of March 1797, with the assistance of a number of Pomare's men, they commenced the erection of their chapel. The chiefs procured most of the materials, and when it was nearly finished, Pomare sent a fish as an offering to Jesus Christ, requesting that it might be hung up in their new chapel. This was the first building ever erected on the South Sea Islands, for the worship of the living God. But although the Missionaries were cheered with the hope of often beholding it filled with attentive hearers or Christian worshippers, they were obliged to pull it down early in the year 1802, to prevent its affording shelter to their enemies, or being set on fire by the rebels, by which their own dwelling might have been destroyed.

The pleasing anticipations which the Missionaries page 41 had been led to indulge, in connexion with the second visit of the Duff, were destroyed by the arrival of the Albion in Matavai bay, on the 27th of December in the same year. Her commander, Captain Bunker, brought them no letters from England, but conveyed the melancholy tidings of the capture of the Duff by a French privateer. He also delivered from Mr. Harris, who was settled in Norfolk Island, a letter acquainting them with the murder of three of the Missionaries in the Friendly Islands, the departure of one, the flight of the rest to Port Jackson, and the total destruction of the Tonga Mission. Their own circumstances were by no means prosperous: they had heard but once from England; they were expecting every day the arrival of the Duff with cheering tidings and additional aid; but the intelligence now received, not only disappointed their hopes, but depressed their spirits, and darkened their prospects. In the letter sent at this time to the directors, they express their anxiety to hear from England, their conviction of the facilities that would be afforded towards the establishing the gospel in Tahiti and the neighbouring islands, if they were joined by a body of Missionaries and an experienced director, and recommended that a surgeon and several mechanics should be included in the number of those who might be sent.

The Albion had scarcely sailed, when large fleets of canoes, filled with fighting men, arrived, and the island was agitated with the apprehension of hostilities between the king and chiefs. The removal of Oro, the national idol, from Pare to Atehuru, was the cause of the threatened conflict: ammunition was prepared; a large assembly of chiefs and warriors met at Pare; and it was daily page 42 expected that the long concealed elements of war would there explode, and plunge the nation in anarchy and bloodshed. At this critical period, his majesty's ship Porpoise arrived in Matavai bay. The letter and presents Pomare received by this conveyance from the governor of New South Wales, and the attentions paid to him by the commander of the vessel, tended, in no small degree, to confirm Otu in his government, and to intimidate his enemies.

The governors of the colony of New South Wales have uniformly mainfested the most friendly concern for the safety of the Missionaries, and the success of the several Missions in the South Seas. On the present occasion, Governor King, in a letter to Pomare, remarked, that he could “not too strongly recommend to his kind protection, the society of Missionaries whom he had taken under his care;” and that, “such protection could not fail to excite the gratitude of the Missionaries, and the friendship of King George.” Governor Macquarie, his successor, manifested the same kindness towards the Missionaries, and an equal regard for the welfare and security of the natives. In order to protect the inhabitants of New Zealand and the South Sea Islands from the oppression, violence, and murder, of unprincipled and lawless Europeans, he issued, in December, 1813, an Order, alike creditable to the enlightened policy of his administration, and the benevolence of his heart. A copy was brought to the Society Islands, and is here inserted.