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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 7 (November 1, 1927)


Under the above heading the General Manager of the Great Western Railway in a recent message given through the medium of the Company's Magazine comments as follows:—

Travellers of all classes, interests and temperaments have one common characteristic; they all dislike a late train. even passengers upon whose time there is no great call have been known to become very irritable if their train reaches its destination a few minutes behind time, and those who have friends awaiting them, or urgent appointments to fulfil, are naturally far from pleased when trains are late.

The staff can do much to enhance the Company's reputation, and to minimise complaints of late running, by setting before themselves a high standard in time keeping of trains, and making constant effort to achieve punctuality.

Recognising this fact, the Chief Mechanical Engineer and the Superintendent of the Line have issued the following notices to enginemen and station staff respectively: