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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 2, Issue 9 (January 1, 1928)

The A B C of Safety

The A B C of Safety.

Mr. H. W. Clapp, Chairman, Railways Commissioners, Victoria, recently brought under the notice of Victorian railwaymen the following Safety First Slogans:—

The A.B.C. of Safety—always be careful.
Use, don't lose, your head.
It is everybody's business to be careful.
Be wreck-less, not reckless.
Get Safety into vour svstem.

* * *

Of all the sad surprises
There's nothing to compare,
With treading in the darkness
On a step that isn't there.

page break
Safety in Train Operating. Illustrating a Dangerous Practice in Shunting Yards. The safe way is for drivers to give adequate warning before opening cylinder cocks, and for shunters to walk round—never through—escaping steam.

Safety in Train Operating.
Illustrating a Dangerous Practice in Shunting Yards
The safe way is for drivers to give adequate warning before opening cylinder cocks, and for shunters to walk round—never through—escaping steam.