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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 2 (June 1, 1928)

What is a Turret Lathe?

What is a Turret Lathe?

The turret lathe is an improved engine lathe fitted with a compact set of tools capable of doing either bar or chuck work without the necessity for constantly changing the tools and fixtures.

The labour-saving devices of the turret lathe are legion, and the more this machine tool is used in competition with its predecessor, the engine lathe, the more conspicuous does this fact become. It is incorrect to regard this machine as a unit for repetition work solely. Its universal adoption by the most progressive manufacturers whose production shops have to cater for new work, and repair work in small batches, demonstrates the wide range of its utility.

(Photo W. W. Stuwart) Welding a flange on a locomotive wheel at Newmarket shops.

(Photo W. W. Stuwart)
Welding a flange on a locomotive wheel at Newmarket shops.