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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 8 (December 1, 1928)

Vacation Time

Vacation Time.

Christmas time is vacation time in this fair land of ours, and to the woman, travelling apparel and other requisites are interwoven with vacation plans.

One of the first things to decide in planning a holiday is not what is to be taken in the way of luggage, but what can be left behind. The new smart luggage certainly does its share to ensure comfort in travel. The new wardrobe box which has superseded the round hat box is a triumph of ingenuity for space and convenience. Six frocks may be tucked into it (first adjusting them on the hangers which are hung on an adjustable rod in the lid) in addition to hats, shoes, etc.

Another factor which tends to make travel more comfortable and attractive as compared with former days is the simplicity which characterises our modern clothes. They are now so simply made that they take a minimum of space, and the result is that the woman on vacation may be smarlty frocked at all hours of the day.

The straight one-piece tailored frocks take but a few inches of space in the travelling bag, and the slim fitting sweater with the soft silk skirt (now much in vogue), is easy to carry, besides being a smart and useful wardrobe.

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