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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 10 (May 1, 1929.)

Dominion Publicity in Australia — The Appeal of Milford Sound

page 23

Dominion Publicity in Australia
The Appeal of Milford Sound

According to Mr. R. Firth, New Zealand Government Tourist Publicity Agent in Melbourne, the Dominion, in regard to tourist traffic from the Commonwealth, is, at the present time, more than holding its own.

In a recent interview with a representative of the “Southland Daily News” Mr. Firth gave much interesting information relative to the working of his Department, and the favourable results that had attended their efforts to further popularise the Dominion.

He had taken the opportunity, whilst acting in the capacity of special tourist officer on board the “Manuka,” of extending the Department's service to travellers, with a view to facilitating their arrangements in New Zealand at the present particularly busy time.

Enquiries had been received on all sides, and arrangements for reservations of hotel accommodation and also for motor and rail transport had been made by wireless. In this respect, added Mr. Firth, the splendid arrangements made by the Railway Department in Invercar-gill, by the provision of a special train from Bluff to connect with the early express trains for the north, and also, extra accommodation on these, had drawn forth expressions of deep satisfaction and gratitude from the record number of passengers who had disembarked. Undoubtedly, the arrangements made, particularly at the present peak period, would prove a splendid advertisement of the efficient handling of tourists in Southland.

“You will recollect,” he went on to say, “that this time the “Manuka” made a trip to Milford Sound. Conditions were ideal for viewing the most majestic of all the southern fiords. The mountain peaks appealed irresistibly to the Australians on board, and this deviation will certainly tend greatly to popularise the southern route.”

“I have no fault to find with the New Zealand railway services. They run smoothly, have comfortable seating accommodation, and are very clean. The restaurants attached to the railway stations are also very clean, and the food served is good and wholesome.“—Dr. W. Mayo.

Arranging Travel Itineraries in the Dominion. The New Zealand Government Offices, Sydney, N.S.W.

Arranging Travel Itineraries in the Dominion.
The New Zealand Government Offices, Sydney, N.S.W.