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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

Contractors' Three Years' Lease of the Railway

Contractors' Three Years' Lease of the Railway.

At the time the line to Ferrymead was approaching completion, the Provincial Council passed a resolution recommending that tenders be invited for the lease of the line and wharf for three years, by which time it was expected that the tunnel would be completed. The Superintendent, however, considered that it was preferable for the contractors to retain possession while the tunnel work was in progress. He, therefore, made an agreement with Messrs. Holmes & Co. to lease and work the railway between Christ-church and Ferrymead for the three years, the lessees to pay 6 per cent, on the cost of construction for the first year, 8 per cent. for the second year, and 10 per cent. for the third year, in return for the revenue. There were no sidings at the intermediate stations, Opawa and Hills-borough (now Woolston), and these stations were not officered. Passengers joining there obtained tickets from a travelling booking clerk.