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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3 (August 1, 1931)

Your Own Railway

page 31

Your Own Railway

The following is the concluding instalment of the text of a little booklet, explanatory of the services and facilities of the New Zealand Railways, recently issued by the Railways Publicity Branch and distributed to all schools throughout the Dominion.

The “Through Booking” system of the Railways Department makes transport easy for passengers, parcels, or bulky goods from any station of one Island to any station of the other. For example,
Now Jack And Jill Don'T Mind The Hill—(Nor The Ferry Water)

Now Jack And Jill Don'T Mind The Hill—(Nor The Ferry Water)

if you live at Wanganui and wish to visit Dunedin, the Stationmaster at Wanganui will be pleased to make arrangements for the whole of your journey. He will reserve a seat on the express train from Wanganui to Wellington, secure a berth for you on the ferry steamer, and reserve a seat on the express train from Christchurch to Dunedin. Similar reservations for the return journey will be made for you by the Station-master at Dunedin.

Your railways give the same smooth through service for any kind of goods (including animals). If you wish to send a parcel, a dog, a case of furniture, or anything else from Auckland to Bluff the railways will “see it through.” The Goods Agent at Auckland will accept, whatever you wish to send, and on it will go by rail and sea and rail again, all the way to the Bluff. You are relieved from all bother or worry about any stage of the transport. You will not need any agent at all other than the railways.

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“Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, arrives the snow …” —Emerson. (Rly. Publicity photo.) A picturesque winter scene at Kingston, the railway approach to Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu, South Island, New Zealand. One of the Railway Department's lake steamers is shewn at the wharf.

Announced by all the trumpets of the sky, arrives the snow …” —Emerson.
(Rly. Publicity photo.)
A picturesque winter scene at Kingston, the railway approach to Queenstown, Lake Wakatipu, South Island, New Zealand. One of the Railway Department's lake steamers is shewn at the wharf.

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