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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 5 (November 2, 1931)

Addington Railway Workshops

Addington Railway Workshops

The completion of an agreement with the Department under which permission was granted for the use of the Addington Railway Workshops Dining Hall, as a Social Hall, and the provision of an annexe, for which the material was advanced by the Department, and labour was provided, voluntarily, by members of the staff during their spare time, has given an impetus to the social activities of the staff at the Workshops. The enthusiasm displayed in this work by the Manager, the Foremen, and the staff generally, resulted in a first-class job being made.

The Social Hall was opened by a special dance function, and between 150 and 200 members of the works staff and their friends spent an enjoyable evening. Praise of the hall, the commodious dressing rooms, and the general arrangements, was heard on all sides, and the Social Committee, which had waited so patiently for their hopes to be fulfilled, felt justly proud of the result.

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“Play in the sunshine while you can, Dear little maid and tiny man.” Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Pat and Rose Campbell (Wanganui); (2) Brian, Doreen, Lewis and Clarry McCleary (Wanganui); (3) Jack and Fred Hoffman (Wanganui); (4) Shirley Hogg (Wanganui); (5) Ngaire Dalglush (Wanganui); Frankie Robertson (Wanganui); (7) Clinton McKenzie (Wanganui); (8) John Anderson (Cross Creek); (9) Jean Gibson (Cross Creek); (10) Murray Fly (Cross Creek); (11) Bobbie Fielding (Cross Creek); (12) Mabel and Bobbie Cheesman (Cross Creek); (13) Elaine Maclean (Cross Creek); (14) Ray and Joan Forward (Cross Creek).

“Play in the sunshine while you can, Dear little maid and tiny man.”
Our Children's Gallery.—(1) Pat and Rose Campbell (Wanganui); (2) Brian, Doreen, Lewis and Clarry McCleary (Wanganui); (3) Jack and Fred Hoffman (Wanganui); (4) Shirley Hogg (Wanganui); (5) Ngaire Dalglush (Wanganui); Frankie Robertson (Wanganui); (7) Clinton McKenzie (Wanganui); (8) John Anderson (Cross Creek); (9) Jean Gibson (Cross Creek); (10) Murray Fly (Cross Creek); (11) Bobbie Fielding (Cross Creek); (12) Mabel and Bobbie Cheesman (Cross Creek); (13) Elaine Maclean (Cross Creek); (14) Ray and Joan Forward (Cross Creek).