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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 6 (December 1, 1931)

Sleeping Cars and Night Travel

Sleeping Cars and Night Travel.

Night travel is a feature at this season of the year, and on the L. and N.E.R. new third-class sleeping cars, of an exceptionally pleasing type, have just been introduced. The new cars, operating between London and Scotland, are of a different design from earlier third-class sleepers. Previous vehicles have been of the convertible type, and could be used, if required, as ordinary third-class corridor carriages. The new sleeping cars, however, are not convertible, but are used on trains in which there is a constant demand for sleeping accommodation.

The cars are 9ft. 3in. wide and 66ft. 6in. long over body. They provide berths for thirty-two passengers. The body is built of teak, and Limpet asbestos felt packing is provided to minimise noise. The under-frame is entirely of steel, mounted on two bogies. Buckeye automatic couplers and page 18 Pullman vestibules and vacuum brakes are fitted. The compartments are panelled throughout in teak, each compartment having one window in the body side and none on the corridor side, thus ensuring privacy. The fixed berths are provided with Vito mattresses upholstered in blue and fawn moquette. To facilitate access to the upper berth a small ladder is fixed near the window. Each compartment has a large mirror in the sliding door, and the lighting equipment includes a special enclosed reading lamp at the head of each berth. Separate lavatory and toilet compartments are provided at each end of the vehicles. The wash basin is of large size and is supplied with hot and cold water. A drinking water filter is also fitted, together with an automatic cup dispenser, in order that each passenger may be provided with a clean cup.

An Aid To Travel Comfort. New Type of Pullman Car introduced on the Home Railways.

An Aid To Travel Comfort.
New Type of Pullman Car introduced on the Home Railways.