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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 6 (October 2, 1933)

Popular Football Excursions

Popular Football Excursions.

The excursions run by the Railways Department for the recent Ranfurly Shield match in Christchurch, were very well patronised. Invercargill sent three trainloads which aggregated 1,500 passengers by the time the trains reached Christchurch. Westland sent four train-loads, with about 2,000 passengers. The low fares provided by the Railways helped to popularise these outings. On this point the Dunedin “Evening Star” states that one of the arguments arising on the excursion of footballers from Invercargill to Christchurch was as to the exact distance that the Railway Department was carrying for 25/-. The total distance passengers were carried for this sum was 738 miles, the rate being less than ½d. per mile.

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“Mountains of ice, like sapphire, piled on high.“-Shelley. (Rly. Publicity photo.) Among the Mt. Cook group, Southern Alps. Skiers take their pleasure on the glorious run from the Ball Pass. The Tasman Chalet occupies the middle distance. “In my opinion,” writes Thomas Mitchell, Esq., Victoria, “the downhill ski route in the vicinity of the Ball Hut at Mt. Cook, is the finest I have seen in the world!”

“Mountains of ice, like sapphire, piled on high.“-Shelley.
(Rly. Publicity photo.)
Among the Mt. Cook group, Southern Alps. Skiers take their pleasure on the glorious run from the Ball Pass. The Tasman Chalet occupies the middle distance. “In my opinion,” writes Thomas Mitchell, Esq., Victoria, “the downhill ski route in the vicinity of the Ball Hut at Mt. Cook, is the finest I have seen in the world!”