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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 8, Issue 7 (November 1, 1933)


Christmas and the holiday season are drawing nearer, and the average person, both the child and the adult, longs for the freedom of the out-of-doors, with the invigorating tonic of sunshine and sea air. Sunbathing will become the order of the day.

Precautions should be taken in the early days of sunbathing to avoid a badly sunburned and blistered skin. Injudicious exposure to strong sunlight causes unnecessary pain and discomfort, and can be very harmful. Gradual exposure to the morning and afternoon sun should be the rule, avoiding the strong midday sun. Commence the first day with ten minutes, five minutes for the front of the body and five minutes for the back. The second day allow another five minutes, gradually increasing the time each day until the skin is well tanned. Wear a light, widebrimmed hat to protect the eyes and the back of the head and neck. Children's sunbaths should be supervised, and they should be provided with a ground sheet so as to avoid chills.