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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 9, Issue 9 (December 1, 1934)

Home Notes

Home Notes.

Cake-making Hints.

1. The flour must be sifted before using. 2. Fruit, such as currants, sultanas, etc., should be carefully picked over, and washed in a strainer under running water before using. Spread on paper and lay on rack to dry thoroughly. 3. Fresh butter only should be used. 4. Candied peel should be cut fine. 5. Flavouring essences should be added last, as also should brandy, etc., for rich fruit cakes. 6. When treacle or syrup is used, it should be warmed. 7. For fruit cakes, the tins should be lined with several thicknesses of greased paper. 8. Rich fruit cakes require a moderate heat to commence with, gradually lowering the temperature until they are cooked. They should not brown too quickly as the crust hardens and they do not rise so well. 9. To test a cake to see if it is cooked, insert a knitting needle or small skewer into the centre. If it comes out clean and dry, the cake is cooked sufficiently. 10. Fruit cakes are best left in the tin for a while after they are taken from the oven. Then turn out on to a cake rack covered with a towel to cool. Do not stand them where there is a cool current of air. Store in an air-tight tin.

A Good Christmas Cake.

This is a well tried and successful recipe.

Ingredients—1 1/2 lbs. flour (sifted), 1 lb. butter, 1 lb. sugar, 8 eggs, 2 teaspoons baking powder, 1 tablespoon treacle, 1/2 nutmeg (grated), 2 lbs. mixed fruit (raisins, currants, dates, candied peel, chrystallised cherries, almonds, preserved ginger).

Method.—Beat sugar and butter to a cream. When well creamed, add eggs, one at a time, beating continuously. Add flour and baking powder together, then other ingredients. Keep beating one way till all is thoroughly mixed. Put in well papered tin and bake in a moderate oven for four hours.

N.B.—Place several thicknesses of paper over the top of the cake tin. Do not open the oven door for two hours.

Almond Icing.

Ingredients.—Ground almonds 1/2 lb., icing sugar 1/2 lb., 1 egg, almond essence.

Method.—Roll out and sift the icing sugar, mix with the ground almonds, add essence and beaten egg. Knead well on a board till smooth. Press on to top of the cake with the hands until it is evenly covered with the icing. Put away to dry for at least a day before icing with white icing.

Butter Icing.

Ingredients.—Icing sugar 1lb., butter 2 ozs., milk (hot) 1 tablespoon, vanilla essence (if liked).

Method.—Melt the butter in the hot milk. Sift the icing sugar into a basin. Add the essence. Gradually add the milk and butter, beating the mixture well with a wooden spoon until it is the consistency of thick cream. Spread this evenly over the cake. Use a knife dipped in hot water to obtain a nice smooth surface. Decorate the cake as desired.