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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 11, Issue 8 (November 2, 1936)


Something in the nature of a real treat for New Zealanders is promised this summer; something of a sporting and—more important—educational nature. New Zealand is to be honoured by the visit of an Australian Surf-and-Life-Saving team. How many times have we sat in the gloom of a movie-theatre and thrilled at the masterly marching, marvellous physique and healthy appearance of the surf-teams parading on Bondi Beach? And soon the opportunity of seeing Australia's best surf-men in action will be given New Zealanders. We in New Zealand have a great heritage in our beaches and sometimes insufficient thought is given the self-sacrifice of time and pleasure of those who voluntarily patrol the surfing sections. But are the Australian surfers better than our own local product? The test will come at the New Zealand Surf and Life-Saving championships which will be held at Lyall Bay on February 13th and 14th.