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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 12, Issue 4 (July 1, 1937)


page 59


Salted Almonds.

Blanch the almonds in very hot water drawing off the brown skins; dry them in a clean towel and lay them on a baking tin with a lump of butter—about a teaspoon to half pound of almonds. Set the butter and the almonds in the oven, occasionally shaking them about till they brown. The almonds will now have absorbed the butter. Dredge them with fine salt, stirring them about, then let them cool off on a plate.

Have the almonds ready a few hours before needed in order to have the full salty flavour.

Superior Quality Soap.

Here is an easy way of saving ten shillings on every 20lbs. of soap that you use. The only ingredients required are 5lbs. fat and a two-shilling packet of “Soapsave” — the wonder soapmaker. Add to one gallon water as directed on packet and you have approximately 20lbs. of the finest household soap. It not only lathers easily, but has a special advantage in that it does not harm delicate colours and fabrics in the washing of clothes. It is also pleasantly perfumed. If unable to obtain Soapsave from your local store, send postal note and grocer's name to A. Murdoch & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Dunedin.


Two breakfast cups sugar, one tablespoon cocoa, half cup milk, two ounces butter, essence Vanilla to taste; walnuts.

Put sugar, cocoa, butter and milk into a saucepan and bring to boil, stirring occasionally. Boil for about ten minutes without stirring; add Vanilla and walnuts. Take off the fire and beat the mixture until it begins to settle, and pour on to greased plate. Mark cubes with a knife and cut up when cold.

Walnut Toffee.

One tablespoon each water and vinegar, two tablespoons butter, two small cups sugar.

Boil quickly for twenty minutes, stirring frequently till nicely brown. Place walnuts on greased dish and pour toffee over.

Brown Betty.

Two cups brown sugar, half cup milk, one dessertspoon butter.

Boil about fifteen minutes till thick and creamy. Pour into a basin with chopped walnuts, beat till it hardens and spread on to a buttered plate.

Swiss Toffee.

One tin condensed milk, one and a-half pounds sugar, two ounces butter, one breakfast cup milk, essence of Vanilla.

Boil hard for half an hour and pour on to wetted plates.