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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 13, Issue 6 (September 1, 1938)

Wrestling in England

Wrestling in England.

Earl McCready, the popular Canadian wrestler, who put up an amazing record in New Zealand, is doing well in his mission of introducing scientific wrestling in England. Lord Brentford, son of Sir Joynton Hicks, formerly prominent in British political circles, is likely to be chairman of the British Board of Wrestling Control, which is being formed as the result of McCready's visit. Formerly, wrestling in England has been of a burlesque type and the sport had been brought into disfavour, but McCready, with his undoubted ability and sterling sportsmanship, has convinced the English people that real wrestling is a sport to be encouraged. McCready has the support of the English Amateur Wrestling Association as well as other leading sports organisations, and although he has expressed a desire to return to his friends in New Zealand, it is anticipated that he will have a long and prosperous sojourn in the Old Land.