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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 1 (April 1, 1939)

Recipes. — Miscellaneous Assortment. Potato Soup

Miscellaneous Assortment. Potato Soup.

Six potatoes, scrubbed scrupulously clean. Peel and put the peelings in a small saucepan with sufficient water to cover them, and let boil gently.

Put potatoes in a pan with three onions, two ozs. of butter, pepper and salt and a grating of nutmeg. Add a quart of water, and allow the whole to boil gently until the potatoes are done.

Rub through a sieve. Rinse the pan and return the soup. Strain in the water of the cooked potato peeling. Simmer gently for five minutes. Add cream and serve with wholemeal bread croutons.