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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 5 (August 1, 1939)

Spanish Railway Communications

Spanish Railway Communications.

The Spanish railway authorities, who in normal times work in close association with the French authorities in the through services between Madrid and Paris, and other points, are now making a determined attempt to set their house in order. Damage to way and works is being made good, and the four big frontier exchanges are being resumed. These are respectively the Hendaye-Irun exchange, in the west; the Perpignan-Portbou exchange, in the east; and the two intermediate exchanges, Forges d'Abel-Canfranc and La Tour de Carol-Puigcarda. Spanish railway workers, like those of Germany —where the events of the past months have seriously hampered repairs and renewals and thrown tremendous burdens on one and all—eagerly look forward to a long period of peace, and it is sincerely to be hoped that in this wish, shared by railwaymen the world over, they may not be disappointed.