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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 8 (November 1939)

Improved Operating Efficiency

Improved Operating Efficiency.

Through scientific research the group railways have greatly improved their equipment and working methods in recent years. Prominent among research activities have been studies as to the comparative value of steam locomotives, turbine engines, diesel and electric locomotives, while much has also been accomplished with a view to improving train signalling systems. With our natural wealth of coal fuel of fine quality, it is not surprising that the steam locomotive should hold its own. The locomotive fleet of the four group lines, it is true, has been cut from 20,369 to 19,577 within the past five years, but the total number of miles run by passenger and goods trains has increased from 553,426,000 to 583,007,000.

Among modern inventions adopted by the railways, electrical signalling is to the fore. Electrical power, in addition to being employed to send messages by telegraph and telephone, is being adapted to save time and labour by setting points at considerable distances. Following on careful study, hard-wearing metal filament gas-filled lamps are making possible even more reliable colourlight signals. Combinations of lights, known as “multiple aspect signals,” are being increasingly employed on busy sections of track to advise drivers of the state of the road for several blocks ahead. The longest stretch of electric colour-light signals is on the London & North Eastern Railway, extending for 42 ½ miles from York to Darlington. Track circuiting, too, is being found particularly helpful. On the Great Western system there is approaching completion the extension of automatic train control throughout the whole of the main-lines. When finished, 2,853 miles of track and 3,250 locomotives will be equipped.

Britain is “Smiling Through.” Confident faces at King's Cross Booking Office, London.

Britain is “Smiling Through.” Confident faces at King's Cross Booking Office, London.