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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 14, Issue 12 (March 1, 1940)

Health Notes. — Good Nutrition

Health Notes.
Good Nutrition.

Good health depends upon good nutrition—ill-health on faulty diet. Our physical condition makes us either an asset or a liability to the nation—more particularly during wartime.

Food is composed of the same elements as the body itself, and the body builds its own tissues from the materials found in the food. The right proportion of carbohydrates, fat, and protein foods, are therefore necessary, and this is calculated in the proportion of one part fat, one of protein and four of carbohydrates. It follows, therefore, that if we stoke our body with four of fat to one of protein and one of carbohydrates, we cannot expect the body to function satisfactorily. Natural foods are not balanced in a nutritive sense, however, in relation to the body's needs page 59 of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They must, therefore, be supplemented.

Here is an example of a day's balanced diet:

Breakfast.—Cereal with sugar and milk and poached egg on toast, or wheatmeal bread and honey.

Lunch.—A salad or soup with wheatmeal bread. Eggs, fish, cheese, nuts, etc., combine with the salad (or soup) to make a well-balanced meal. This may be supplemented with additional food in the form of a sweet.

Dinner.—A satisfactory meal consists of meat, balanced with vegetables and followed by stewed fruit and custard, or a simple pudding.

In the great effort that the country is now making, those responsible for the family fare play a very important part. The soldier, to be effective, has to be in good health, and in the same manner, we cannot do our part if we become ineffective through the careless disregard of the fundamental principles of healthy living. In such circumstances our record is placed under the heading “Liability” in the nation's log.

Good nutrition, backed up by fresh air and exercise, will place us under the heading “Assets,” and we will be an A1 nation ready for any emergency.


Among the citrus fruits, lemons hold an important place.

The food value of the lemon lies in the juice. This contains a rich content of vitamin C and vitamins' A and B in a lesser degree.

Lemon juice is often recommended for heart, liver, bladder and kidney complaints. The fruit should be baked slightly, and the juice then shaken up with salt (a teaspoon to the juice of three lemons).

A tablespoonful of salted lemon juice thirty minutes before and after a meal assists digestion.

Lemon juice is an excellent substitute for vinegar and may be used in mayonnaise and salad dressings. Thus, people who are not allowed vinegar in their diet are not deprived of their salad dressing.