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Nga Ture O Niu Tireni: I Pahitia I Roto I Te Tau Wha Te Kau Ma Rima O Te Kuinitanga O Kuini Wikitoria, Me Te Nohoanga Tuatorutanga O Te Paremete Tuawhitu O Niu Tireni, I noho ki Poneke i timate i te rua te kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881.



(1.)Sec. 37. The within-named licensee, having paid into my office the further sum of pounds sterling, is entitled to an extension of time for the closing of his premises until twelve o'clock at night, on such days as his premises are permitted to be open.
(2.)Sec. 37. The within-named licensee, having paid into my office the further sum of pounds sterling, is entitled to open and use additional bars on his licensed premises, besides the one bar authorized in his license.
(3.)Sec. 124 The within-named licensee is exempted from the requirement of burning a lamp all night over his door.