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Nga Ture O Niu Tireni: I Pahitia I Roto I Te Tau Wha Te Kau Ma Rima O Te Kuinitanga O Kuini Wikitoria, Me Te Nohoanga Tuatorutanga O Te Paremete Tuawhitu O Niu Tireni, I noho ki Poneke i timate i te rua te kau ma waru o nga ra o Mei, 1881.

Bottle License

Bottle License.Sec. 33.

Whereas the Licensing Committee holding the licensing meeting at, on the day of, one thousand eight hundred and, have, by their certificate dated the said day of, authorized the issue to, of, of a bottle license for the house situate at: And whereas the said hath paid into my office the sum of sterling as the fee on such license: Now I do hereby declare that the said is licensed to sell and dispose of on such premises, but not elsewhere, any liquors in bottles corked and sealed, capsuled, or wired, of sizes of which six or twelve are usually reckoned to the gallon, and not to be drunk in or upon the premises for which the license is granted: Provided that not less than one bottle containing not less than a reputed quart shall be sold or disposed of at any one time to any one person.

This license shall commenee upon the day of, and continue in force until the thirtieth day of June then next ensuing, both days inclusive, provided it be not forfeited in the meantime.

Given under my hand at, this day of, one thousand eight hundred and.

Treasurer [or Receiver of Revenue].