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Acts Affecting Native Lands, Etc. (In English and Maori), Passed by the General Assembly, Session 1892, 1893, 1897, 1898, 1899.



1. Short Title.
2. Act to be read with Native Land Court Acts.
3. Repeal.
4. Incomplete alienations may be inquired into.
5. Mode of inquiry. Certificates may be given.
6. Matters to be specified in certificate.
7. Partition may be ordered.
8. Successors to deceased owners may be ascertained.
9. Informalities not to prevent grant of certificate in certain cases.
10. When certificate to be refused.
11. Refusal to be reported to the Governor.
12. Adverse claims may be adjusted.
13. Agreements may be approved.
14. Reference back for further inquiry.
15. By whom jurisdiction to be exercised.
16. Return to be laid before Parliament.
17. Confirmation of certificates by Act of Parliament.
18. Stay of proceedings.
19. Investigation of claims of interested Natives.
20. Period excluded not to be included in computation of time of action under previous Acts.