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Acts Affecting Native Lands, Etc. (In English and Maori), Passed by the General Assembly, Session 1892, 1893, 1897, 1898, 1899.

An Act to define and give effect to certain Native Trusts and Claims

An Act to define and give effect to certain Native Trusts and Title. Claims.

19th September, 1893.

Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

1. The Short Title of this Act is "The Native Trusts and Short Title.Claims Definition and Registration Act, 1893."

Native Trusts.

To enable cestuis qui trustent to become the certificated owners Ceatuis qui trustent may become certificated owners.of the lands to which they are entitled, the provisions of sections two to five of "The Native Equitable Owners Act, 1886" (herein referred to as "the said Act"), shall apply to the lands in the Bay of Plenty District more particularly referred to in "The Whakatane Grants Validation Act, 1878," and which have been granted to persons who were selected to be trustees thereof for themselves and others, but who have been placed by such grants in the position of absolute owners of such lands.
Notwithstanding anything contained in section eighteen of Applications under this section."The Native Land Court Acts Amendment Act, 1889," any application for the purposes of this section may be made under section two of the said Act to the Native Land Court (herein referred to as "the Court") before the expiration of three years from the date of the commencement of this Act, but not afterwards.
Notice of the passing and of the effect of this Act Shall immediately Notice to be given to Natives affected.be given to the Natives affected in such manner as the Governor in Council shall determine.