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National Centennial Exhibition of New Zealand Art Catalogue

Samuel Charles Brees

Samuel Charles Brees

Brees arrived at Wellington in 1842 in the Brougham having been appointed the new chief surveyor of the New Zealand Company to succeed Captain Mein Smith. He spent three years in New Zealand, and compiled a book of sketches, which he exhibited in 1849 at Brighton. The exhibits included a large panorama of Port Nicholson and the Hutt district. In 1847 he published a series of New Zealand sketches which contained views of residences in Wellington between 1840 and 1847 entitled Pictorial New Zealand. He died in 1865.

35            A TANGI AT KOPEKEHINGA, WAIRARAPA (water colour)

Lent by the Hocken Library, Dunedin

36            THE HUTT ROAD


(Illustrations from 'Pictorial New Zealand,' 1847)
Lent by the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington