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Typo: A Monthly Newspaper and Literary Review, Volume 5

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Mr J. J. Smith, of the Masterton Star, is a notable example of journalistic precocity. In the case Smith v. Williams he gave evidence as follows: « I have had twenty-five years' experience, obtained in the Wairarapa principally. I am now thirty-two years of age, so I commenced my experience when I was seven. »

Last month we noted the claim of Mr. J. B. Dunn of £22 against the Napier News Company, nonsuited on a technical point, with costs and expenses amounting to £3 6s. On the 3rd inst., the claim was brought up again, when defendants filed a set-off of £15 8s 5d, « deficient cash as per cash-book. » They also alleged that plaintiff's habits were irregular, and that he was at times unfit for work. The magistrate disallowed the set-off, no details being given, and gave judgment for £9 9s, the actual wages due, deducting amount claimed in lieu of notice, and the whole of the claim for overtime. Plaintiff had been promised a shilling an hour for overtime, but the court held that this did not constitute a regular agreement. Defendants paid costs and fees amounting to £2 Is. On the 27th inst., defendants again brought up their claim for alleged shortage in cash, now amounting to £22, and put in, not the cash-book, but a copy of the accounts, covering many months. His Worship said that the total being over £900, and there having been no accounts between the parties, the case was beyond his jurisdiction. Nonsuited, with costs and expenses, 24s; solicitor's fee, £2 2s.