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Typo: A Monthly Newspaper and Literary Review, Volume 5

Napier, 25 May, 1891

Napier, 25 May, 1891.

A Board meeting was held on 1st May, the President, Mr C. H. Long, in the chair. A new member was added to the roll, and applications from two intending members deferred. The President, who attended the late Conference of Master Printers at Dunedin, as the delegate from the Hawke's Bay Branch, read a long report of the business transacted at the Conference, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks.

I would remind my brother members that the N.Z.T.A. will complete its first decade at the end of July next, and I trust they will seize the occasion to fittingly celebrate the event.

The suicidal competition among the master printers of Hawke's Bay goes on apace. The latest instance comes from Waipawa, the Mail having contracted to insert the County Council advertisements at the rate of one farthing per inch!

Trade dull, and a number of hands out of employment.