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The Atoll of Funafuti, Ellice group : its zoology, botany, ethnology and general structure based on collections made by Charles Hedley of the Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W.

Family Turbinolidæ. — Caryophyllia clavus, var. Epithecata, Duncan

Family Turbinolidæ.
Caryophyllia clavus, var. Epithecata, Duncan.

Caryophyllia clavus, var. epithecata, Duncan, Trans. Zool. Soc, viii., p. 311, pl. xlviii., figs. 13-16.

A small immature example in the collection is referable to this variety.

The corallum is erect, elongate, conico-turbinate, incrusting at the base and elliptic in outline at the summit.

The epitheca is finely granulate and extends from the base to the calicular margin.

The costæ are slightly prominent above, and cease at the median constriction below.

The septa are strongly exserted, radiately granulose at the sides and evenly rounded at the summits.

The pali are sinuate and sparsely spinose.

The columella consists of two spirally twisted processes.

There are forty septa and ten pali. The latter are opposite the tertiaries.

Height of corallum 14 mm.

Diameter at apex 7 by 9 mm.
Diameter at base 7 mm.
Diameter at pedicel 3 mm.

Obtained in from forty to seventy fathoms.