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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

I. N. Watt, Esq., to the Native Minister

I. N. Watt, Esq., to the Native Minister.

Native Office, Southland, November 2nd, 1867.


Referring to the letters I. N. Watt to Native Minister, 31st December, 1866, Mr. Rolleston to I. N. Watt, No. 45-2, 30th January, 1867, and Mr. Rolleston to I. N. Watt, No. 66-2, 7th February, 1867, I have the honour to enclose herewith, the undermentioned documents, which I trust will be found to be correct:—

1.Certificate of assent of Natives to a portion of the Island of Ruapuke being subject to "The New Zealand Native Reserves Act, 1856."
2.Schedules describing the boundaries of the land.
3.The assent of the Native owners.
4.A translation of the same.

The land, as directed, has been accurately laid out by Mr. Baker, the Chief Surveyor of the Province. It is situated between the only two Native villages upon the Island, about a quarter of a mile from the principal, and about a mile from the other.

The assent has been signed by all the Natives who claim to have an interest in the land, and the delay has been caused by the absence of Alfred Kihau and Horomona Mawhe from the district, both of whom are claimants to the land in question.

The contract for the buildings was entered into on the 22nd July last, and they were to have been finished in three months from that date; but, on account of the very bad weather, the road from the beach to the proposed site became so bad, that on the representation of Mr. Wohlers and the contractors, I consented to let the work stand over until the road became better, and on the 28th of last month, I gave them notice to proceed forthwith with the works.

By the terms of the contract, one half of the payment (£128 10s. 0d.) is to be made when all the materials shall be upon the ground, and will be due within the current month, and the other half is to be paid within one month after the completion of the buildings. I have, therefore, the honour to request that you will give me instructions with respect to these payments.

I am sorry to report that the Natives have receded from their promise to find the piles for the houses, there will therefore be an addition of £4 or £5 to the contract, I am afraid.

Topi informs me that the Hon. Mr. Richmond promised to consider his application for payment for landing and hauling the materials at Ruapuke; he has consented to do the work on my promise to refer his claim for payment to the Government.

I have applied to the contractor to give a tender for furnishing the following extras which will be required:—Master's desk and stool; cupboard for books, &c.; two broad and two narrow desks; six forms; three gates; and they tender to furnish them all for £18. The tender appears to me to be reasonable, and I recommend it for acceptance.

I have, &c.,
I. Newton Watt, R.M.

The Hon. the Native Minister.