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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

Tuturau Reserve

Tuturau Reserve.

Mr. Macassey appeared for the claimants in this case.

Mr. Mantell gave evidence as to the making of the reserve. He stated that, by accident, a Mr. Rich had placed his house on the reserve, and the Natives having obtained the sanction of the Governor, had sold 20 acres. It was pointed out that a large number of roads had been taken through the land, and Mr. Turton said he was instructed that the Crown admitted the land taken was excessive, and compensation would be made for loss of portion of the reserve, and injury to the remainder. John Topi Patuki stated the names of the proposed trustees, and the names of those in whom the reserve was to be vested. He stated that an amicable arrangement had been made.

The Court ordered that certificates of title should be issued on production of proper plans, the recommendation being made to the Governor that there should be no power to absolutely alienate the land.