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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

Enclosure in No. 52. — Description of land proposed to be given in lieu of No. 890

Enclosure in No. 52.
Description of land proposed to be given in lieu of No. 890.

Native reserve 1297, in red. Ten acres, more or less, situate at Little river, commencing at a point on the western shore of Wairewa, situate about twelve and a half chains south-west of the southernmost corner of reserve No. 810 (in red); thence southerly, following the edge of the said Lake a distance of ten chains; and extending westerly, at right angles, to the general direction of the frontage, a distance, on the average, of seven chains, subject, nevertheless, to the continuation of the road which passes through the reserve above-mentioned.

page 344