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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

Copy of letter from the Under Secretary Native Department, to Mr. Alexander Mackay

Copy of letter from the Under Secretary Native Department, to Mr. Alexander Mackay.

Wellington, May 27th, 1869.


In reference to your letter of 6th March, 1869, upon the subject of the quantity of land absorbed by roads laid out by the Government of Westland, over the 2000 acre reserve at Arahura, I am instructed by Mr. Richmond to enclose a copy of some remarks made by the Attorney General on the question, and I must request that you will state whether any special arrangements were made on the subject of roads which led to the granting of 560 acres in excess of the area originally granted for the reserve.

I have, &c.,

G. S. Cooper,
Under Secretary.

Mr. Alexander Mackay, Nelson.