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A Compendium of Official Documents Relative to Native Affairs in the South Island. Volume Two.

No. 3. — A. C. Strode, Esq., to Under Secretary Native Department

No. 3.
A. C. Strode, Esq., to Under Secretary Native Department.

Dunedin, February 9th, 1867.


Referring to your letter of the 17th October last, I have the honour to inform you that the payment of £200 was made to Matiaha Tiramorehu on the 7th instant, and his receipt for that sum is herewith forwarded. He was informed by me that the Government will recognise no further claim, of any description, on account of the Ngaitahu purchases.

I wrote to Matiaha Tiramorehu immediately on receipt of your letter, requesting him to come to Dunedin to receive the payment, but he was unable, from various causes, to give his attendance before the 7th instant.

I have, &c.,

A. Chetham Strode.

The Under Secretary Native Department, Wellington.